Welcome To My New Website!

click for for leggings, click for leather jacket, here for scarf alternatives, click here for boots

Well hello there!!!!


It’s been forever since I wrote a blog post and let me explain to you where I’ve been. When I decided to start a blog, I literally had no idea where to start. I started a blog on wordpress.com and soon realized that I was limited when it came to monetizing and affiliate links. What this means is when I talk about a product or recommend it, I can get compensated through an affiliate link. Now this doesn’t change the cost of the item for the person who is purchasing it. However, there are a lot of people who feel like they don’t want someone to make money from their purchase. I guess at one point I felt that way too. Why should a blogger who clearly has all these wonderful clothes, bags and accessories get my money? Then again, they are not getting “my money”. There are companies that will pay them what basically is a referral fee. So, you are not paying any more or less by going through their referral link.

The reason I am going into such detail about this, is that I have been accepted into a program where I can now monetize, and I want all of you to be aware of this. I would never want someone to feel as if I took advantage of them, or even tricked them with a affiliate link. Taking on a blog is a lot more time and work than most people realize. My goal is to be successful at this and I can only do it with your support. No, it isn’t all about money, but it is about trying to bring in extra money for my family. When I became a stay at home mother, it was a hard transition for me. I had worked for the past nine or ten years in the health care industry. Going from working full time to now devoting all my time to a baby and working around her needs and her schedule was quite a change. Starting this blog was not only an outlet for me it was getting the opportunity to do something I truly loved.

So, this brings me back to where I have been. Since I was accepted into this program, I had to switch my site over to an actual domain. Since I am clueless when it comes to this process, I had to enlist help from a company called Wpbeginner. (https://www.wpbeginner.com/) I would I highly recommend them. They were very helpful and I would have never been able to do this without them. You might also notice that my site looks a little different. I now have a different theme as well. Well, thank you for waiting for me and I have so many ideas for future posts and look forward to sharing them with you! I really appreciate your support, and as always thank you for stopping by.






